The Fresh Fragrance Of Laundry

Fresh Homemade Laundry Soap

I'm sure you have seen or read all sorts of efforts to make homemade laundry soap. It's not hard to make and makes your house smell wonderful while you're in the process which is a lovely result.

I use decorated ball jars with my homemade soap as gifts. Never had a complaint yet.

I have been making and using our household soaps for a while now and have found the recipe I like most. It smells wonderful and is a high quality inexpensive laundry soap.

  1. 1 Cup Grated  Fels Naptha bar soap
  2. 1 Cup Borax laundry booster
  3. 1 Cup Washing Soda
  4. 4 Cups Hot Water
  5. Fragrance
Grate the bar of soap. If you leave the bars of soap out a few days it won't gunk up your grater as bad. Or I just cut big chunks and used my blender to make it into powder.

 Bring your water to a boil, add the grated bar of soap and simmer till completely dissolved. Stir often.
When the grated soap is dissolved add your Borax and Washing soda.
Mix well. Bring to a slow boil and boil for five minutes. Stir often. Add your fragrances. I used Grapefruit and vanilla today. I have used lemon which is a traditional scent. The lemon scent seems to last longer than other fragrances I have used in the past.
Let your completed soap cool.
Add  4 Cups water and mix well.
Store in old laundry container or ball jars.
You might need to shake it when you go to use it.
I use under 1/4 C per load.

This do-it-yourself project  takes such a little amount of time and effort and your laundry soap will not have all the chemicals and  fillers soap companies add to their soaps. And the real plus side is the savings.

SK Sartell

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