Ice Cream Parlor Of Yesteryear

Antique Soda Fountain Parlor Set Reclaimed by SK Sartell

Heidi's Ice cream Parlor History

Heidi's History of The Ice cream Parlor called McGuire's in Harlem, Montana

Saved Antique Details Of La Chicken

This poor baby was rescued for pennies. After I researched this little heavily built table, I discovered the hand carved front drawer panel was from a destroyed cabinet.

Smoke and burn marks are apparent. I envision this being in a old, beautiful and much loved cabinet. When the fire was extinguished, this little carved piece was all which could be saved.

The cabinet is built like a brick, well-worn and used. The body, legs and T-support were built from old wood. The builder wanted to save the hand carved drawer panel, so he built the entire table to showcase this feature.
I am excited to see The Graphics Fairy has featured this fun table. You can visit The Graphic Fairy story here:
Thanks Graphics Fairy. I love your work and use it as often as I can.