SK's Projects

SK's $.50 French Lamp

SK saves an old lamp, bringing it to life with a French twist

Auctions are a blast...

A .50 cent lamp.
 A fat quarter of fabric (left-over)   3M Spray Adhesive.  I spray the surface, not the fabric. Once the fabric is in place, it is very difficult to re-position. Start at one side and gently pull the fabric over the glued surface, making sure there are no creases or bubbles.
The left-over beaded braid was originally  purple. Using chalk paint, I dyed the braid black. (Who knew you could do that?)After it had dried, I sprayed a gloss top coat so the beads would still look, well, like beads.

I hot glued the braid to the underside of the shade. 
Making sure that only the beads would show.
The actual lamp base was a rubbed bronze with gold highlights, Using a hammered black spray paint The gold and bronze disappeared. Yea.
With scraps of my fabric, and a bit of black chiffon, I twisted it together to form a rose.
The center is a pretty, sparkly black button I hot glued into place. 

Using a watered-down bit of brown paint, I antiqued the fabric to a perfect aged patina.
 Thank you Graphics Fairy. You are the best...

I printed out each of the butterflies, then flipped the image and printed them again.

Using  3M spray glue, a piece of curled wire was put on the back of each butterfly. I then glued like butterflies together back-to-back. This made a small wire for their antenna and a wire to glue under the fabric rose.  I bent the wings to a natural pose. This gives it a little bit of fun, not normal... I have never been accused of being NORMAL.
I lover flutterbies.

Thanks for visiting.

Poppin' Up Possies with SK

As each flower and leaf was placed, the design began to take shape.

 A Sisters Dream Room

Two sisters joyfully share a little dream, which they know Nana can create for them.
It all starts with the sweet colors of teal, pinks and corals.
The tree trunk and branches are painted directly onto the wall and ceiling. Decorative paper is used to make 3-D leaves and flowers. I pinched the leaf bottoms together to give them a more dimentional apperanace. Then using thumb tacks, just simply tack them in place.

 The oldest of the sisters wanted to be a part of her rooms creation. She had such fun working with her Nana.
The bright green cabinet was created using an old, worn, black armoire. Her insides are painted teal.
Thanks for visiting.