Wild Horses with SK

A thirty year old spring horse was my latest challenge. My client didn't want him to look original. She gave me free reign (get it?) to create a one-of-a-kind piece.

After this pretty pony was sanded and bonding primed, it was time to add a few details in sculpturing.

 With the help of Modern Masters Metal Effects Paint I was able to rust his mane, tail and hooves. His saddle is patine d copper. The blanket is a deep warm Burgundy red.

The body is painted a deep chocolate and then glazed with a crackle medium. After these coats are dry, I painted him in an antique cream and after the crackle has cured, I glazed him with a deep chocolate glaze and varnish.

Thanks for visiting. sk

Before The Red by SK

This spacious kitchen was very utilitarian but lacked a bit of color and flash. I am here to fix that...We had remodeled this kitchen taking the 1945 kitchen space into this century.

The counters are now a chocolate concrete and the cabinets started out as white off the shelf storage. The pantry is a custom built 4'x6' country style cabinet which I designed and built for the space and then painted green. Dated...It needed a face lift and a exciting spot of color.

Cabinet Before Painting:
 Pantry Cabinet After Painting and Sculpturing

Kitchen Before Painting:

Priming the concrete counter tops

 After the base coat of deep chocolate was dry I began to stencil a damask pattern in several different colors of cocoa and light  cream. When this was dry I glazed the entire counter top with a deep chocolate glaze.
 The finished counters were given four coats of Spar varnish for durability. Sanding between each coat of varnish.  This will be as durable as a granite counter at a much lower cost. The once a year coat of varnish will take this beautiful counter into the next century.
Kitchen After Painting:

The cabinets were from several different decades and quality. We sanded and primed them with a bonding primer. These took four coats of high quality paint in the same red as the pantry.

When they were cured I sanded the edges back for a worn look. I then glazed them with a chocolate glaze and varnished.

Thanks for visiting. sk on elderberry

Painted Canvas Pillow Talk with SK

Painted Canvas and Burlap Pillows for A Special Client.

Jet black beading, fun buttons, painted ribbon and burlap flowers.

Thanks for visiting. sk

Scrappy Pumpkins with SK

With a few canvas scraps left over from other projects, I was inspired by a cute no-sew pumpkin tutorial. Quick and easy for those of us who are challenged with more difficult projects.

Thanks to  Kristy at Three Peppers: http://3peppers-recipes.com/diy-painted-canvas-pumpkins/
for the detailed instructions.

I used burlap ribbon for my stems and curlycews. And green painted burlap for leaves. I loved the simplicity of the pumpkins without faces. I might paint a few scraps of burlap black and pin on faces for Halloween. Then for fall and Thanksgiving just keep them simple.

Thanks for visiting. sk on elderberry